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(25-10-2021, 06:29 AM)z3bra Wrote: Which terminal do you use and how do you spawn the extractor ? Does it handle wrapped URL that are too long for a terminal window ?It does handle wrapped URLs. It also handles emails, valid ipv4 and other tokens. I since altered the script somewhat, there was a problem with " ' and $, because of multiple levels of subshells and multiple level of quotes it was not possible to escape them in grep, I added another pass of sed to escape them that way. You need st terminal with externalpipe patch applied, launch option in config.def look like this: Code: static char *copytokencmd[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "fzf-st-copy-token.sh", "externalpipe", "NULL" }; script itself: Code: #!/bin/sh "fzf-prompt" name is set to floating in my wm. I use urxvt instead of another instance of st because urxvt can be demonized and it spawns the window quicker. |