What are you working on? - Programming On Unix
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(21-03-2021, 04:03 PM)ckester Wrote: Beginning yet another rewrite of ncplay, my ncurses-based frontend for mpg123. I'm going to scrap the linked-list design I inherited from mcplay and replace it with a more cache-friendly array. In case anyone's interested, I've posted the latest version of ncplay on (in?) a gopherhole I asked z3bra to create for me. (It took a bit to figure out how to get things to display properly, but after snooping around in some other users' holes I finally got it working.) gopher://g.nixers.net/1/~ckester/ncplay [HTML] Overall, I'm pleased with new array-based design. I still need to reimplement the helpscreen and add a few other features but I think I'm going to be done with this program soon unless and until I get inspired to do another major redesign. Any feedback or suggestions for improvement (within the stated scope of the project) will be welcome, of course! You can PM me here or send email to the address given in the INSTALL or LICENSE file from the tarball. I'm particularly interested to learn if there are any problems building or running this on a BSD system. So even a report of no problems will be appreciated. |