In the light of Christmas, I give to you... - Off topic

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loled @ d9u, Jayro, and Joomla .
Nice one happy New Year!
[Image: 0.jpg]]
Simon (I'm always imagining him with this face when he asks questions about something new he found):
[Image: 28129241_10241.jpg]]
NeverW8 (TheHotBot):
[Image: MonkeyComputerMoney.jpg]]
Phyrne (always in style):
[Image: 0417-man-computer-sm.jpg]]

Messages In This Thread
In the light of Christmas, I give to you... - by NeoTerra - 20-12-2012, 01:50 AM
RE: In the light of Christmas, I give to you... - by venam - 20-12-2012, 03:35 AM