First Time you used 'Linux' ? - GNU/Linux
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I seem to remember I installed something really weird like lubuntu when i was about fifteen, from there i went to arch after like a week or two before installing gentoo, i don't really know why i got so into linux at the time, i had no practical purpose to be running gentoo, i told myself there was ethical, privacy related, reasons for it, but i think it was much more simple than that - i just enjoyed learning about how computers work. I now run debian on my thinkpad laptop and my flatmate has just got into linux for his blender workflow and i have helped him install arch, dwm... etc.... and its got me thinking about trying something fun again - turning my openbsd thinkpad into a home server, returning to gentoo on this laptop.... But i don't know. I don't have as much time as I used to.
And as gmk said above its also true for me.... . (28-11-2023, 06:32 PM)gmk Wrote: It's strange how seven years later, despite everything that's changed, I'm still using Linux. |