Command wrappers and other goodies. - Desktop Customization & Workflow

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Grey Hair Nixers
I like to have colors in my command output. Here are a few wrappers I know of:

*1) CW.*
- Written in C.
- Compiles and work on GNU/Linux, BSD and Mac OS X
- [cw](
- There are lots of commands supported and you can make your own wrapper for other commands.
- Example:

*2) Cope.*
- Written in Perl.
- [cope](
- Looks the same than CW.

- written in C.
- Syntax coloring in cat.
- [spc](
- Support for python, c, patch, diff.
- Exemple:

*4) Cdf.*
- Written in C.
- [cdf](
- Example:

*5) Zsh live coloring.*
- Zsh script.
- to be included in ~/.zshrc.
- [zshlc](
- Example:

*6) Colored Man pages.*
- To be included in ~/.zshrc
- [clman](
- Example:

*7) Ls++.*
- Written in Perl.
- [ls--](
- Example:

*8) Dircolors.*
- Complete dircolors file
- To be included in you shell config.
- [dc](
- You need gnu ls and dircolors from coreutils.
- Example:

*9) Colorize.*
- Written in Perl.
- Colorize logs.
- [cl](

*10) Freecolor.*
- Written in C.
- Pretty `free` output.
- [freec](

*11) Pydf.*
- Another df colorizer.
- [pydf](
- customizable.

*12) TTycolor.*
- GNU/Linux only!
- Change tty colorscheme easily:
- [ttyclor](

*13) Stderred.*
- [stderred](
- stderr in red.

*14) lolcat.*
- [lolcat](
- Written in rubby, use `gem install lolcat`
- rainbox colors on term output.
- Example:
... To be continued.

Messages In This Thread
Command wrappers and other goodies. - by yrmt - 29-07-2012, 08:14 AM
RE: Command wrappers and other goodies. - by jmbi - 15-08-2012, 01:53 PM
RE: Command wrappers and other goodies. - by yrmt - 13-12-2012, 03:12 PM
RE: Command wrappers and other goodies. - by yrmt - 23-03-2013, 07:28 PM