ASCII & ANSI Art - The Unix Style - Unix Related Arts & Image Manipulation Software

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Long time nixers
oh, i found the old irc banner:

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Bumping this thread for the ascii love.

This was my submission to the evoke 2016 demoscene compo.
I placed 4th, which is not bad.
[Image: venam_robot_army.png]

Let's get more of that type of art grow on nixers.
Long time nixers
While looking at some ASCII lightsaber, I found this:

I knew the website, but I was not aware of such large collections.

It seems there are a few goodies across this website, even if it is not the main topic:

Some bonus, maybe you already saw this one:
Long time nixers
Damn, viruses look cool.
Long time nixers
for now is my ascii/ansi art site

toxic skull is my new piece released in blocktronics blocktober artpack and won 3rd place in the demosplash freestyle ascii/ansi compo

(use this url if it looks weird)

[Image: x0-toxic-skull.png]
Long time nixers
Incredible little war machines, that can't exist without a host organism (or operating system) replicating them.


Nice, I did not know this wesite of yours.

I really like the "candle buring at both ends", bytheway.
Long time nixers
I did this on paper, but how not to do an ASCII art version of it.

Xero's art were inspiring...
Long time nixers
(14-11-2016, 05:19 PM)josuah Wrote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OBFUSCATION 2016-11-17

ASCII art from the future.

(14-11-2016, 05:19 PM)josuah Wrote:
Wow, this is epic.
I enjoyed every part of it, the writing style, the irony, the art.
Great work!
Long time nixers
I am glad you like it, venam. I also like what you do. While I am at it your submission for Evoke 2016 be a dead link. Any fix?

@pranomostro: How messy, I'm three day off on my laptop, and my hostsame is an escape sequence! "<code>^[[1;3C</code>".

(15-11-2016, 09:26 PM)josuah Wrote: dead link
I fixed it.
Long time nixers
(14-11-2016, 05:19 PM)josuah Wrote: I did this on paper, but how not to do an ASCII art version of it.

Xero's art were inspiring...

this is great work!
Since the start of this thread, in February 2016, xero (under x0 acronym) got featured in releases of blocktronics and impure!ascii, and I also got featured (under vnm acronym) in 3 releases of impure!ascii.

This sounds phenomenal looking back at it.
Long time nixers
(02-01-2017, 06:53 AM)venam Wrote: Since the start of this thread... This sounds phenomenal looking back at it.

yeah dude, thanx for the inspiration! 2016 should be remembered as the year you and i started putting our mark on the textart scene!
Re-reading this thread got me really into the idea of text art. Had a little go and doodled this

Criticism welcome :)
(03-01-2017, 01:35 AM)xero Wrote: yeah dude, thanx for the inspiration! 2016 should be remembered as the year you and i started putting our mark on the textart scene!
(02-01-2017, 06:53 AM)venam Wrote: Since the start of this thread, in February 2016, xero (under x0 acronym) got featured in releases of blocktronics and impure!ascii, and I also got featured (under vnm acronym) in 3 releases of impure!ascii.

This sounds phenomenal looking back at it.

Congratulations, guys. It's really inspiring, thanks for your art.
Long time nixers
(03-01-2017, 06:30 PM)lemons Wrote: Re-reading this thread got me really into the idea of text art. Had a little go and doodled this

That is nice! A very expressive face made out of text, with its headset, and music notes going out.

Wearing squared glasses too? Tudurom made a glass store in ECMA script:
A real text-based web-app!

[EDIT]: I need to put store back up!
Already 3 years have passed since the start of this thread.
What was a simple try-out at something became a new hobby.
Next week is going to be the 72nd pack of impure ascii art, 11 packs since I joined in 61.
I definitely polished my style, and discovered my direction.

For anyone that is interested in learning about ascii art or joining a group we're all ears on IRC.
Long time nixers
so after all this time doing ascii and ansi art i feel like i should talk about my workflow.

when i started, like everything else texted based, i used {neo,}vim. but after learning about the "proper ansi art scene" (using colors, specific fonts and character sets, ICE colors, sauce metadate, etc, etc) i decided to use the "scene's standard" text art editor pablodraw.

it works fine on linux but has some specific requirements. any version of mono will work, but you need to export TERM=xterm when you run it. it also required you use gtk-sharp-2 v2.12.42-1 OR LOWER. there's some bug in the new version that gives it a memory leak and causes it to crash. pablo relies heavily on the function keys (all F1-F12), so on my different laptops you might need to switch the media/function keys to not need to hold a dedicated FN modifier to reach them. here's the shell script i use to run pablodraw:


# fix function/media keys on my latop
echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode

# launch pablo
TERM=xterm mono /usr/share/pablodraw/PabloDraw.exe

we talked about learning to draw and different techniques in the thread already, so i'll keep this related to workflow. pablo's manual is missing/lackluster. it explains the tools (drawing, coloring, etc) but is missing docs on some of it's more advanced features: this manual explains more (e.g. block mode versus paste mode, flipping/mirroring/inverting/rotating on the x/y axis).

once you have something done and saved (as a thing.ans) you can export it as a png. note that the zoom level you have set in the editor will be the same zoom as the exported image.

these are done in the ASCII/cp437 character set. so if you want to display them in a modern editor or shell, you'll need to convert them to UTF-8/unicode. dcat made a nice little tool to do that: once you make it you can just pipe your ansi out into the the shell and the color codes work just fine. (e.g. ansicat < rad_shit.ans). then you can then put them in in your .zshrc or silly shell sciots like me.
I'll add some info about my own ascii art workflow.

Like xero at first I had no clue about pablodraw so I did all my art in vim. First filling a full block with spaces, then entering replace mode and drawing. Then I would manually insert the ANSI color escape codes, which was extremely tedious, to say the least.

When I joined an ascii art group called impure they taught me about pablodraw but I just couldn't get used to the keybinds, as xero mentioned it's not well documented. So what I'm doing is that I draw the art in vim and I add the colors in pablodraw. However, lately I've gone full black and white, raw ascii art without color. I feel like it makes me focus more on forms, feelings, and meanings than with colors.

There's one thing to add and it's the discussion about displaying the ascii art outside from terminal emulators, in places that don't support ANSI sequences. This can be done by opening the art in pablodraw and saving it in an image format, this can be done by taking a screenshot of the terminal emulator, this can be done by using web interfaces such as, or this can be done with a software like ascii.js or ascii2png.

Depending on what I want I usually take a screenshot from the terminal or using ascii2svg and then open the svg with inkscape and export it in the size I want. For example, that's what I use to generate the art on my redbubble account.
Long time nixers
These are pretty cool. I've enjoyed the more "industrial" designs because they really work well with ANSI/ASCII characters