Favorite Terminal Applications - BSD

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Music / Video Streamer: mps / mpsyt
File Manager: ranger
IRC Client: weechat
Terminal Emulator: rxvt-unicode
System Monitor: htop
Text Editor: vim
Screenshot: scrot
Torrent Client: transmission
Music / Video Streamer: sox, mpg123, cmus / mpv
File Manager: mc
IRC Client: irssi
Terminal Emulator: xterm
System Monitor: htop
Text Editor: vim
Screenshot: scrot
Torrent Client: rtorrent
Pod Client: mashpodder
Image Viewer: feh
Long time nixers
music: mpd / ncmpcpp
video: mpv
music / video streamer: livestreamer, mpsyt
file Manager: coreutils
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
system monitor: ps / occasionally glances
text editor: vim -> maybe neovim soon
screenshot: maim
torrent client: transmission-remote-cli
image viewer: meh
mail: mutt
other / fun: terminibbles | calcurse | mosh
You should make a template for others to fill it would make it more simple.
music/video streamer:
file manager:
irc client:
terminal emulator:
system monitor:
text editor:
torrent client:
image viewer:
mail client:

Just a draft template
Long time nixers
Hey that's my template! Give it back.
Long time nixers
audio: mpd + mpc / ncmpcpp
video: mpv
files: coreutils + ag / ranger
irc: irsssi
terminal emulator: urxvt
shell: zsh
multiplexer: tmux
system monitor: ps / htop / nmon / glances
editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
image viewer: w3m / feh
mail: mutt
fun: figlet / toilet

audio: mpd + ncmpcpp
video: mplayer
files: coreutils and ranger
irc: irssi
terminal emulator: urxvt + zsh
system monitor: ps / htop / bmon / nmon / dstat/ glances (all aliased of course to mon1,mon2,etc..)
editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
image viewer: w3m inside ranger
mail: on the terminal I use a custom script or alpine
Grey Hair Nixers
music: sox
video: mplayer
music/video streamer: mpd/ffmpeg
file manager: coreutils / noice
irc client: irssi / sic / ii
terminal emulator: st
system monitor: /proc
text editor: vis / vim
screenshot: xscreenshot + if2png
torrent client: btpd
image viewer: meh / lel
mail client: mutt
other/fun: dtach / dvtm / dwarffortress
music: emacs
video: emacs
music/video streamer: emacs
file manager: emacs
irc client: emacs
terminal emulator: emacs
system monitor: emacs
text editor: emacs
screenshot: emacs
torrent client: emacs
image viewer: emacs
mail client: emacs
other/fun: emacs
Grey Hair Nixers
(05-11-2015, 05:22 PM)October Wrote: text editor: emacs

I do not aggree with this part.
Long time nixers
music: Windows Media Player
video: Windows Media Player
music/video streamer: Windows Media Player
file manager: Windows Explorer
irc client: Slack
terminal emulator: powershell.exe
system monitor: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
text editor: notepad.exe
screenshot: MSPaint
torrent client: Thats illegal
image viewer: MSPaint
mail client: Outlook
other/fun: Minesweeper
(05-11-2015, 06:10 PM)z3bra Wrote:
(05-11-2015, 05:22 PM)October Wrote: text editor: emacs

I do not aggree with this part.
Grey Hair Nixers
(06-11-2015, 02:45 AM)October Wrote: s/emacs/ed/

Long time nixers
(05-11-2015, 05:22 PM)October Wrote: emacs... emacs... emacs... emacs... emacs... emacs...

music: mpd + mpc
video: mpv
file Manager: coreutils
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
system monitor: htop
text editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: rtorrent
image viewer: feh
mail: mutt
other / fun: gpg pass git steam
Github: https://github.com/darthlukan
CRUX Ports: http://ports.brianctomlinson.com
GPG: 3694569D
"We're all human, act accordingly." -- Me
music: mpd / ncmpcpp / mpc
video: ffplay
file Manager: coreutils / (occasionally) ranger
irc client: irssi
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
system monitor: "ps -e | grep"
text editor: neovim
screenshot: maim (I have a wrapper that uses slop to get screen selection)
image viewer: feh
mail: mutt
browser: w3m
version control: git
shell: mksh
multiplexer: tmux
schedule management: when
wifi management: shell script with lots of "wpa_supplicant" and "dhcpcd" calls followed closely by "pkill"s and "killall"s when it suddenly dies. Thanks broadcom :\
music: mpd+ncmpcpp
video: mpv
file manager: coreutils
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: termite
system monitor: htop/ncdu
text editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: rtorrent
image viewer: feh
mail client: mutt
accounting: ledger
other/fun: dwarffortress, nethack, bsd-games (specifically atc); bitlbee; notmuch (for mail searching); tmux!
(07-11-2015, 11:25 AM)thetornainbow Wrote: accounting: ledger
Accounting on Unix. First time encountering this topic.
Care to clarify?
music: mpd + ncmpcpp
video: mpv
music/video streamer: mpv + youtube-dl (And now mpsyt after reading this thread (thanks guys))
file manager: coreutils + ranger
irc client: irssi
terminal emulator: urxvt + zsh
system monitor: htop + atop + ps
text editor: emacs
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: aria2c (used my own implementation but now using dad + diana)
image viewer: sxiv
mail client: mutt
other/fun: Unnethack
organisation: Org-mode in emacs

Edit - Added mpsyt
music: mpd+ncmpcpp+mpdviz
video: mpv
streaming: livestreamer; torrentflixx
file manager: ranger
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: urxvt
shell: zsh
system monitor: htop
text editor: vim
screenshot: scrot
torrent client: rtorrent
other/fun: gdb; tmux; colossal game adventure
Long time nixers
(06-11-2015, 01:56 AM)dsplayer14 Wrote: music: Windows Media Player
video: Windows Media Player
music/video streamer: Windows Media Player
file manager: Windows Explorer
irc client: Slack
terminal emulator: powershell.exe
system monitor: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace
text editor: notepad.exe
screenshot: MSPaint
torrent client: Thats illegal
image viewer: MSPaint
mail client: Outlook
other/fun: Minesweeper

Sheer perfection right here
b4d_config {
music: mpd/ncmpcpp;
video: mpv/vlc;
streaming: mpv/vlc;
file-manager: ranger;
irc-client: weechat;
terminal-emulator: urxvt;
shell: zsh;
system-monitor: htop/iptraf/tcpbump;
text-editor: vim;
screenshot: scrot;
torrent-client: trasmission-cli;
other/fun: tmux/personal&&nixers_scripts
music: moc
video: mplayer/mpv
file manager: ranger
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
system monitor: top
text editor: vim / trying out neovim for a week now
screenshot: scrot
image viewer: feh/meh
multiplexer: tmux
mail client: mutt
other/fun: 2048, shpaint
(07-11-2015, 02:39 PM)venam Wrote: Accounting on Unix. First time encountering this topic.
Care to clarify?

Yeah ledger is a fantastic double-entry accounting system I use to keep track of our (my wife and I) finances. It's a very flexible system, everything is kept in plain text, you can do budgeting, forecasting, reporting, and it's all very extensible (because plain text of course!). I've seen front-ends people have written in Common Lisp and JS. If you have never taken accounting there is a bit of a learning curve, but I find it to be a great tool. I've used GnuCash and KMYMoney but for my relatively simple needs it's perfect.
Music: cmus
IRC: irssi or weechat
terminal: urxvt
shell: bash
mail: none
system monitor: on-demand status pop-up
screenshot: scrot/scrotup
images: feh or sxiv
file manager: none. Core-utils
editor: vim/leafpad
rss: newsbeuter
other (music): pms/mps
music: cmus
irc: irssi
wm: swm
term: urxvt
shell: mksh
editor: neovim
img: feh
fm: ranger
system monitor: htop
browser: luakit
audio: pulse
other: telegram, nethack

update feb 1 '16:

music: mpd + ncmpcpp
video: mpv
irc: irssi
wm: none (wmutils)
term: urxvt
shell: mksh
img: meh
$VISUAL: nvim
fm: coreutils/ranger
pager: less
text search: ack
sysmon: htop
browser: firefox
irc: irssi/cutrom client (currently working on it...)
wm: xmonad + xmobar
term: st + tmux
shell: zsh
editor: vim
img: feh/sxiv
system monitor: top/sysctl
browser: luakit/elinks
music: xmms2
video: mpv
torrent: aria2c
Long time nixers

music: mpv
video: mpv
music / video streamer: mpv
image viewer: mpv
file Manager: coreutils
irc client: weechat
terminal emulator: rxvt-unicode
system monitor: ps / glances
text editor: neovim
man: vimpager -> neovim
screenshot: maim
torrent client: transmission-remote-cli
mail: mutt
other / fun: remember kids to use tmux
Grey Hair Nixers
Beware son, or soon you'll be using mpv to cook eggs!