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Hello i'm nkparadox! I've been using linux 6 years now. I found this forum through z3bras page (which i found awesome by the way). I'm here because i find that when you are around people that share the shame interests you learn more.
Yo nkparadox, welcome to our forums!
Yes, z3bra lives around these parts.
If you're lucky enough you can find him eating grass near the river.
oh, hello

welcome to nixers

prepare for the cookie
Long time nixers
Cookie incoming?
Welcome to nixers
Long time nixers
Welcome to Nixers.
~Seraphim R.P.
the artistnixer formerly known as vypr formerly known as sticky
Long time nixers
>shame interests
I think I have a new favourite word combination now.

Long time nixers
(01-01-2016, 12:26 PM)pranomostro Wrote: >shame interests

we here all are ashamed of the time we spend on computers
(01-01-2016, 04:58 PM)Houseoftea Wrote:
(01-01-2016, 12:26 PM)pranomostro Wrote: >shame interests

we here all are ashamed of the time we spend on computers
I don't really read what i write! And because english is not my native language mistakes are made. :D
Long time nixers
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
Long time nixers
welcome to nixers!
join us at #nixers
For a long time now i want to take a step further and compile my own kernel with the modules need for my laptop only. But i have no clue how to do it. Is there a guide you guys used for the first time you did it?
Long time nixers
What I did when I installed crux was press h on all the things and read though and make a judgement. It took forever and was far from precise but it turned out pretty nice. I'm sure the others have more precise instructions. I assure you though it just looks daunting, its not that bad
Grey Hair Nixers
If I'm updating my kernel, I simply copy the running config to the new source tree, and rebuild the kernel:

cd /usr/src/linux-$VERSION
gzip -cd < /proc/config.gz > .config

In case of new install (where I don't have an old conf to copy from), I run "make menuconfig" and activate the following

Device Drivers  --->
    [M] Sound card support  --->
        [M] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture  --->

    File systems
    (whatever FS I'll need)

The default settings should be sane enough to let you boot into the kernel (unless you have some really exotic hardware).

Once I'm sure the kernel can boot, I'll go back into the source directory, run "make menuconfig" again, and go through ALL THE ENTRIES, and decide wether I want them or not. I'll try to disable as much things as I want, while ensuring I can still boot the kernel from time to time.

Once everything is stripped down, and that my kernel boots, I'm done with it, and will only compile new modules as needed, then run "depmod" to map the freshly created module.

In case I want to enable wifi support, I'll try sacrifying a virgin or two, just in case.