Is this forum dead? - Off topic
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As the title says, is this forum dead?
It kind of looks like it, which is a shame. It looks like a great forum with some enthusiastic users. I also really like the layout of the forum. So is it dead or...? |
This forum is definitely not dead.
It is moving slowly, just as anything with few users. But there's usually some conversation on IRC, some collaboration on github, and in june there were some events and challenges that went quite well. Also, there's a well functioning podcast. So no, this is definitely well alive and kicking. |
Not at all, it's not dead, on the contrary.
We just don't usually post anything if it's not of quality. Just check around and you'll see for yourself. Pretty quick on the trigger: Quote:Jake: |
As venam said this is not dead, it's better to have a forum with great content and few posts than a forum full of post with no quality.
There's always some action on IRC, #unix |
Well, I've read through the manpage for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the new posts and irc. I, myself post and am on irc.
I'm not dead (yet) neither the forum. It just isn't a huge community.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer ·
I guess you guys are right, quality over quantity.
It's just that you often see much more quantity over quality in forums that use MyBB, which I'm assuming you are using (since there are many similarities to a standard looking MyBB forum)- Therefore I assumed that this was the case with this forum as well. I guess I was wrong. My bad! See you on the IRC. |
These forums are another medium to discuss topics around unix. It seems like the preffered one is IRC for most people, which is more volatile.
Not much people create new threads, but many enjoy participating to active topics. We just need more people starting fresh content ;) Don't be shy! |
Speaking of irc, I am trying to connect to it now but I don't see the #unix channel there. These are the only channels I see :
And I connected to it like so : Perhaps I made a mistake somewhere. Thank you for any help. |
(18-07-2016, 02:33 PM)nikivi Wrote: Perhaps I made a mistake somewhere. Everything looks all right to me on your screenshots. The channel #nixers redirects to #unix, so maybe the channel list was not updated correctly. I also do not see those both channels neither with the /list command. If you can join a channel even if it is not on this list, just join #unix (if you can enter commands, you can type <code>/join #unix</code>). I hope it helps... If it does not work, what is your IRC client? |
(18-07-2016, 02:33 PM)nikivi Wrote: Speaking of irc, I am trying to connect to it now but I don't see the #unix channel there. These are the only channels I see : The channel has a +s mode.. +s hides the channel from the /list. Join #unix as #nixers will redirect you to #unix. ![]() #unix is there. |
(18-07-2016, 02:49 PM)rocx Wrote: The channel has a +s mode.. +s hides the channel from the /list. Join #unix as #nixers will redirect you to #unix. But ERC has no problem showing it seems ^_^. Damn I miss Emacs! |
(18-07-2016, 05:01 PM)sshbio Wrote:rocx Wrote: The channel has a +s mode.. +s hides the channel from the /list. Join #unix as #nixers will redirect you to #unix.But ERC has no problem showing it seems ^_^. UnrealIRCd Wiki for the +s setting Wrote:The channel won't show up in /LIST and won't show up in /WHOIS (unless you are in the same channel or an IRCOp) Seeing as I'm both in #unix and an op there, it's totally visible. You're more than welcome to join the light side of the dorks. |