Josuah 'sshbio' Demangeon - Community & Forums Related Discussions

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Long time nixers

I've been around in IRC a for a few days, and I just discover this amazing forum, that covers everything I'm interested in about unix.

Thank you venam!

I'm a student in biology, but like unix OSes and making them feeling like home.

So here is me ^.
Grey Hair Nixers
Glad to meet some fresh people. It's cool to see someone whose studies are not tightly tied to computing!
Welcome here!
Long time nixers
Thank you! I will follow with bioinformatics, so it is still computer-science in some way.

One thing that I already sent to IRC that comes from this mix is the biology ASCII art (in my class notes).

DNA, with a <a> href=""script to generate it with colors</a> like so:


O   O                                             *---*
\\ /                                             /     \
  P           N.        NH2   |||||||   O       *       *
/ \       //   `.     /                 \\    / `.   ,'|
O-  O     *       *---*                   *---N    `O'  *
   /       \     //   \\                 /     \       /
  *  ,O.    N---*       N   ||||||||   HN       *     O   O-
  |,'   `. /     \     /                 \    //       \ /
  *       *       N===*                   *---*         P
   \     /                               //    \       / \\
    *---*   Adenine                     O       *     O   O
    |                                                 |
O   O                                             *---*
\\ /                                             /     \
  P           N.        O   |||||||   H2N       *       *
/ \       //   `.    //                 \     / `.   ,'|
O-  O     *       *---*                   *---N    `O'  *
   /       \     //    \                 /     \       /
  *  ,O.    N---*       NH   ||||||||   N       *     O   O-
  |,'   `. /     \     /                 \\   //       \ /
  *       *       N===*                   *---*         P
   \     /             \                 //            / \\
    *---*   Guanine     NH2   |||||||   O             O   O
    |                                                 |
O   O             O   |||||||   H2N               *---*
\\ /            //                 \             /     \
  P         *---*                   *===N       *       *
/ \       //   \\                 /     \     / `.   ,'|
O-  O     *       N   ||||||||   HN       *---N    `O'  *
   /       \     /                 \    //     \       /
  *  ,O.    N---*                   *---*       *     O   O-
  |,'   `. /     \                 //    `.   //       \ /
  *       *       NH2   |||||||   O        `N           P
   \     /                                             / \\
    *---*   Cytosine                                  O   O
    |                                                 |
O   O     *       O                               *---*
\\ /       \    //                               /     \
  P         *---*                   *===N       *       *
/ \       //    \                 /     \     / `.   ,'|
O-  O     *       NH   ||||||||   N       *---N    `O'  *
   /       \     /                 \\   //     \       /
  *  ,O.    N---*                   *---*       *     O   O-
  |,'   `. /    \\                 /     `.   //       \ /
  *       *       O   |||||||   H2N        `N           P
   \     /                                             / \\
    *---*   Thymine                                   O   O
    |                                                 |

Baceriophage: virus devouring bacteria, and like so:
               ,.   ,---------- Virus genome     |
             ,'  `./                             |
           ,' ,--./`.                            |
          |  / /"\\  |                           |
          | ( (,-.\) | -------- Protein capside  | Head
          |  \/`-'/) |                           |
          |  (\\_//  |                           |
           `. \`-' ,'                            |
             `.  ,'
              _}{_                               | Collar
             /|  |\
            /<|  |>\                             |
             <|  |>                              |
             <|  |>                              |
             <|  |>                              |
       /\/\  <|  |>  /\/\ ----- Long tail fibre  | Tail
      / /\ \ <|  |> / /\ \                       |
     / /  \ \<|  |>/ /  \ \                      |
    / /    \ \"||"/ /    \ \                     |
     /      /==||==\ -----\---- Base plate       |

           .'XXX'.                      .^.                        .^.
           |XXXXX|    phage           .'   '.                    .'   '.
           '.XXX.'                    |XXXXX|                    |     |
             | |                      '.XXX.'                    '.   .'
             + +                        |X|                        | |
         /\/||V||\/\                    +X+                        + +
        / /  | |  \ \               /\/|| ||\/\                /\/|| ||\/\
    .--------------------.     .--------- ----------.     .--------- ----------.
    | Host bacteria      |     |                    |     |         X          |
    |                    |     |                    |     |         X-- phage  |
    |                    |     |                    |     |         X   genome |
    |                    |     |                    |     |         X          |
    |                    |     |                    |     |         X  XX      |
    |                    |     |                    |     |          XX  XX    |
    |                    |     |                    |     |                    |
    '--------------------'     '--------------------'     '--------------------'
        Absorption                     Viral genome genome injection

    | Host bacteria                                                            |
    |                                                                          |
    |    . .--.           .--.           _         _             _      _      |
    |   / /  \ \         /    \        <   >     <   >          < >    < >     |
    |  . .    . .       .      .                                               |
    |  | |    | |   <   |      |   >   : - :     : - :    >      H      H      |
    |  ' '    ' '       '      '         _         _                           |
    |   \ \  / /         \    /                                  _      _      |
    |    ' '--'           '--'        /V | V\   /V | V\        /V|V\  /V|V\    |
    |                                                                          |
    |                    genome            proteins          protein complexes |
    |                                                                          |
     Genome replication    and    expression        Assembling of proteins

  - **Maturation phase**:

    | Host bacteria                                        |
    |            ,---.                                     |
    |     .--.  /     V                                    |
    |    /    \       _              _                     |
    |   .      .     < >            <&>              _     |
    |   |      |                                    <&>    |
    |   '      '      H      >       H       >       H     |
    |    \    /       _              _             /V|V\   |
    |     '--'      /V|V\          /V|V\                   |
    |                                                      |

- **Freeing and cell lysis**:

    .------------------------.          .------' \^|^/ '-'   H  /
    |        \^|^/  \^|^/    |         /           H        <&> |
    |          H      H      |                    <&>        "  |
    |\^|^/    <&>  _ <&>     |        \^|^/        "   _        |
    |  H    _  "  <&>  "  _  |    >     H             <&>       \
    | <&>  <&>     H     <&> |         <&>             H         _
    |  "    H    /V|V\    H  |          "       _    /V|V\      <&>
    |     /V|V\         /V|V\|         \       <X>               H
    '------------------------'          '----,  H  ,---------, /V|V\
                         Cell lysis and freeing of the virions

Glomerule phisiology (in kidney)

         |  |  |
         |  v -+----------- Proteins and other constituents of the blood
         |     |
       .-|     |-.
      /  /     \  \-------- Glomerule
     /  / /| |\ \  `---.
    (  ( ( | | ) )      \
     \  \ \| |/ /  ,-.   |
      \  \     /  /  |  -+- Primary urine, with higher [proteins]
       '-|     |-'  /   /   [constituents] than the outgoing blood
         |     |   /   /
         |     |  /   /
         |  |  | /   /
         |  v -++---+------ Blood in lower [proteins] and [canstituents]
         |     ||   |
         |     >>  -+------ Solvant drag: water flowing back to the blood
         |     ||   |
         :     ::   :
       ,/     :||\   `.
     ,:/     .:||:\    `:.
    ::/      ::||::\     `::.
    :/       ::||:::\      `:::.
    /       .::||::::\       `::::.
            :::||:::::\        `:::::.
            :::||::::::\         `:::::.
           .:::||:::::::\          `::::::.
           |:::||::::::::\           `:::::::.
           |:::||:::::::::|            |::::::|
           |   ||         |            |      |
           |   ||         |
          /'---''---------'/ Proteins,     transiting in a paracellular way
          \.---..---------.\ Na+, H2O
           |   ||         |
    average|   ||  low    |  high
     [Na+] |   ||  [Na+]  |  [Na+]
           |   ||         |
           |   ||        <=< Na+, Glucose  Symport, passive passage of glucose
           |   ||         |                against the gradient due to the Na+
           |   ||         |                gradient
           |   ||         |
           |   <=< Na+ K+ ATPase           Increasing the existing gradient
           |   ||         |                use of ATP
           |   ||         |
           |   <=< Glucose transporter     Benifiting the gradient created by
           |   ||         |                the symport
    average|   ||  high   |  low
     [Glc] |   ||  [Glc]  |  [Glc]
           |   ||         |
           |   ||         |
     low   |   || average |  high
     [H+]  |   ||  [H+]   |  [H+]
           |   ||         |                Antiport exploiting the active
           |   ||    H+  >=> H+            tansport of Na+ to recaptate Na+
           |   ||    Na+ <=< Na+           and evacuate H+
           |   ||         |
           |   >=> H+     |                Passive H+ transports (gradient)
           |   ||         |
           |   <=< Na+    |                Active Na+ transports (ATP)
           |   ||         |
           |   ||         |
           |   ||         |  high
           |   ||         |  [H+]
           |   ||         |
           |   || H2CO3- >=> H+ + HCO3-    Acidification process that can
           |   ||         |                fight against a respiratory
           |   ||   |^    |    |^          alcalosis
           |   ||   ||    |    ||
           |   ||   v|    |    ||
           |   ||         |    v|
           |   ||   H+    |
           |   ||    +   <=< H2CO3-
           |   ||  HCO3-  |
           |   ||         |
      /|   |   ||         | /
     / '-------------------'   99%     Glucose
    /      |   ||         |    99%     Amino acids
    \      |   ||         |    60~70%  Na+
     \ .-------------------.   60~70%  H2O
      \|   |   ||         | \
           |   ||         |
    -------------------------------->  H+
           |   ||         |
           |   ||         |            |      |
           |:::||:::::::::'            |::::::|
           |:::||::::::::/            ,::::::;'
           |:::||:::::::/           ,:::::;"
           |:::||::::::/          ,::::;"
           ':::||:::::/         ,:::;"
    \       \::||::::/        ,::;"
    :\       .:||:::/       ,:;"
    ::\      |:||::/      ,;"
     `:\     ':||:/     ,''
       `\     \||/    ,'
         :     ::     :
         |     ||     |
         |     ||     |
         |     ||     |
         |     ||     |
Hello sshbio, welcome to the forums.
I love your style already. You're going to show us another side of Unix.
Welcome to nixers. I'm not a biologist but I always find it fascinating.
Long time nixers
Wow this is pretty cool, good to have you sshbio.
Welcome friend, enjoy the forums!
Long time nixers
Quote:welcome to nixers
will he summon the cookie?
Long time nixers
Hi Venam, kirby, locc, xero, arcetera, and the other nixers!

Quote:will he summon the cookie?

I know the magic formula: <code>curl -L</code&gt;

Long time nixers
(03-04-2016, 09:15 PM)sshbio Wrote: Hi!

I've been around in IRC a for a few days, and I just discover this amazing forum, that covers everything I'm interested in about unix.

Thank you venam!

I'm a student in biology, but like unix OSes and making them feeling like home.

So here is me ^.

welcome to nixers
(03-04-2016, 09:15 PM)sshbio Wrote: Hi!

I've been around in IRC a for a few days, and I just discover this amazing forum, that covers everything I'm interested in about unix.

Thank you venam!

I'm a student in biology, but like unix OSes and making them feeling like home.

So here is me ^.

Welcome to the forum!

And thank you for all your help. Very glad you're now part of the nixers in other way.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer ·
Long time nixers
I haven't said hello yet, have I?

How rude of me.

Well, you seem like a very interesting addition to the community.
Long time nixers
I said I was studying biology, I will switch for computer science, from day one of licence one. It is because I spent my days at computer science rather than biology. Let's not be limited in our choices, and benefit that it is still quite easy to change.
Long time nixers
(17-06-2016, 04:20 PM)sshbio Wrote: I said I was studying biology, I will switch for computer science, from day one of licence one. It is because I spent my days at computer science rather than biology. Let's not be limited in our choices, and benefit that it is still quite easy to change.

good luck with the switch, computer science is a very interesting field of study.
Long time nixers
(17-06-2016, 11:00 PM)dsplayer14 Wrote: very interesting field of study

:) thank you! I think so.
Long time nixers
Well... Now I need to introduce myself again, as I will change my nick name everywhere on the internet, from <code>sshbio</code> (nick made out of ssh and bio) to <code>josuah</code> (my first name).

I do not plan to use sshbio anymore (I will free it, so anyone may take it), but I'll keep the old mail until the end of my old domain ownership.

So by now:

IRC:         sshbio     -> josuah
domain:    ->
mail: ->
github:      sshbio     -> josuah
lobsters:    sshbio     -> josuah
ycombinator: sshbio     -> josuah
reddit:      sshbio     -> not decided yet, josuah is already taken.  Maybe picking my old josuahdemangeon.
twitter:     sshbio     -> nothing, probably (quitting twitter)

I will try to do my best to make thing simple to everybody, as I do not like nick changes myself.

The reason is that I want to remove the gap between the online me and the offline me to hopefully bring the fun I have on internet everywhere else. As I am progressively getting off all social networks, I may not have the same issues as before: with the first and last name, one may know a lot of info about anyone with facebook & co.

And I will try remind you that I was sshbio each time I join or in forums.
Hey, you informed everyone, lots of people delete everything and drop off the face of the internet when they do things like this.

Now, more importantly. Is your name pronounced like Joshua or is lt like Joshua without the H, or is it something else entirely?
Long time nixers
Also, you keeping the spider avatar?
Grey Hair Nixers
I've always wanted to do the same! But couldn't fully do it, as now I feel that "z3bra" is a huge part of me. Also I paid for another year anyway :P

I still like to sometimes connect under a different nick that I find cool on the moment! Also, none of my machines have a "z3bra" account, hehe

I feel like people using their real name on internet seem more "serious". So nice move here!
Long time nixers
(26-08-2016, 02:55 PM)Adrift Wrote: Hey, you informed everyone, lots of people delete everything and drop off the face of the internet when they do things like this.

Now, more importantly. Is your name pronounced like Joshua or is like Joshua without the H, or is it something else entirely?

Yeah, I was told of people cutting the bridge with their 'old themself'

To pronounce it, it's "jozua" (I do not know the IPA). Glad you care!

(26-08-2016, 03:21 PM)crashaku Wrote: Also, you keeping the spider avatar?

Yes, I'll keep it as long as I can. Maybe it will be another spider, but I like this one for now.

(26-08-2016, 03:47 PM)z3bra Wrote: I've always wanted to do the same! But couldn't fully do it, as now I feel that "z3bra" is a huge part of me. Also I paid for another year anyway :P

I still like to sometimes connect under a different nick that I find cool on the moment! Also, none of my machines have a "z3bra" account, hehe

I feel like people using their real name on internet seem more "serious". So nice move here!

That is encouraging. On the other hand, I kinda liked the game with the z3bra. But I still want to be a clown sometimes (/nick bozo).