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The past two years during the month of June we organized fun events.

June is the time of the year where we have the most "noise" on the forums, everyone gets active.

Last year we enjoyed the following:
This year too we've (stark and I) organized June as a fun month filled with activities that you can partake in.

We all know time is a scarce resource and so we've broken down the different activities types over different intervals. There is everything for everyone, from the Brainiac to the Picasso.

After achieving or participating in one of the events you can proudly bump this thread and feel proud of your achievements.

And as an extra bonus and incentive anyone who participates in at least one event will have the choice of changing their nickname color.

Here's the distribution of activities during the month:
Cheers and enjoy the events!
If you want to contribute check this thread.
Long time nixers
May I suggest the programming thing as an all-year activity?

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Looking forward for the programming week and the week in the tty (wittty!)
Long time nixers
everyone's favorite: "week in the tty!"

i wonder if i can make it more than 2 days this year XD
Grey Hair Nixers
This hunt is already killing me :P
Thanks for putting up everything
(30-05-2017, 12:49 PM)jkl Wrote: May I suggest the programming thing as an all-year activity?
+1. Encourage contribution to community projects whole year.

(31-05-2017, 01:56 PM)xero Wrote: i wonder if i can make it more than 2 days this year XD

This is what will probably happen with me working on my finals.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer ·
How does it work with the week in the terminal? Is the challegen 'just' to stay a week on the command line, or are there other difficulties/challenges involved?
Long time nixers
it's a week in the tty not just a terminal emulator. the only rule is that you do not start xorg. for most people, you'll have to define new workflows for things like surfing the web, watching videos, playing games, etc.
Long time nixers
(01-06-2017, 04:48 PM)xero Wrote: for most people, you'll have to define new workflows for things like surfing the web, watching videos, playing games, etc.

$ emacs

(I won, right?)

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
work doesn't count, aye?
jkl, does anyone win with emacs?
Long time nixers
Well, Emacs on the CLI can do anything in the list (except watching videos in an adequate quality because that most likely requires a loaded graphics driver).

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
nobody ever "wins" with emacs


Long time nixers
Especially since you can run Vim from inside Emacs.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
come on now. you can run emacs in vim w/ vimshell, but why would you want to?
Long time nixers
Because Emacs has a built-in web browser for the week of TTy. :-D

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
There's going to be a thread for the discussion of the week in the TTY before it starts.
Mainly it's going to be the same as the two previous years, you can refer to the thread in the op. In sum: just no X/Wayland. That means the framebuffer is allowed.

For a lot of people it's not feasible at work.
There's one solution to that: you bring your home laptop and use it as a terminal that ssh into your work machine and when you really need graphical stuffs you can use your work machine. However, this all depends on if your company allows you to do that.
(02-06-2017, 01:32 AM)venam Wrote: However, this all depends on if your company allows you to do that.

Aye. That's a no-go here... But for my home computing I'd be in.

Worst case: I'm reading books that week :P
Long time nixers
(01-06-2017, 05:38 PM)mrtn Wrote: work doesn't count, aye?

I don't have the luxury of a Linux/Unix machine in work, I have to ssh from Windows. Does that count though, as non of our servers have a graphical environment anyway.

I could do with a shot of rum right now.
Here we are, the last day of June.
I hope you enjoyed the little "events" of this year.

Tell us what you thought of it and feedback for next year.