Networking course #0 - introduction - Servers Administration, Networking, & Virtualization

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Grey Hair Nixers
This webcast was a quick introduction to networking, discussing the basics, and reviewing two knowledges: binary operations and the OSI model.

The recorded version of this episode is available here: network_intro-20160731.webm
If you have any remark, or questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks, looking forward to watching.
Very nice introduction!

I do have a question, however it's unrelated: What is the 'sent' command you use at the beginning?
(31-07-2016, 11:45 AM)tigoesnumb3rs Wrote: I do have a question, however it's unrelated: What is the 'sent' command you use at the beginning?

I'm 99% sure it's this.
Grey Hair Nixers
(31-07-2016, 12:00 PM)lemons Wrote:
(31-07-2016, 11:45 AM)tigoesnumb3rs Wrote: I do have a question, however it's unrelated: What is the 'sent' command you use at the beginning?

I'm 99% sure it's this.

That was well explained.
(31-07-2016, 08:54 AM)ChefIronBelly Wrote: Thanks, looking forward to watching.
Same here.

I had issue playing the above recording.
In mplayer it wasn't playing neither the sound nor the audio. In vlc it played the video only, and in mpv it played the sound only.

Maybe an example of how to do those bitwise operation with the shell would have been cool.
Grey Hair Nixers
(01-08-2016, 01:14 AM)venam Wrote: I had issue playing the above recording.
In mplayer it wasn't playing neither the sound nor the audio. In vlc it played the video only, and in mpv it played the sound only.

that's weird. I tried with mplayer, and it was working perfectly. Other people there had no issues with mpv it seems. If you want, we can do a test together to check what's the issue?

(01-08-2016, 01:14 AM)venam Wrote: Maybe an example of how to do those bitwise operation with the shell would have been cool.

Is there any way to perform bitwise operations in the shell? The only soft that looks like it come from moreutils, and perform bitwise-LIKE operations on text files, line by line.
Very nice intro indeed, z3bra. It must be hard to reduce all you know and want to say to 8 minutes:)

As for playing the recording. It worked fine for me in mpv (video and audio). In mplayer I had to comment some of my local config settings and it worked.

Looking forward for the next episodes.
I also look forward to watching more. As of right now, I don't have too terribly in depth questions. The video worked in mpv for me as well.

The only issue I had is that the sound made it seem like you were puffing bursts of air into the mic constantly ... which you most likely weren't haha.

But, because of that I had some difficulty hearing everything.
Grey Hair Nixers
(08-08-2016, 12:09 PM)Adrift Wrote: The only issue I had is that the sound made it seem like you were puffing bursts of air into the mic constantly ... which you most likely weren't haha.

But, because of that I had some difficulty hearing everything.

My mic quality is pretty poor, so I have to put it really close to my mouth if I want to hear anything at all. This is most likely what to "air burst" are. I'll try something else next time, cause it is pretty annoying to hear.

Thanks for the feedback!
There is a chance of perhaps "muffling" the sound I bet, so, words get through enough, but air and breathing less loudly. I feel like I've seen people do that when singing in their home and working on the files themselves. I plugged "microphone prevent air breathing noise" into a search engine.

Found with this forum link which mentions some tactics I was thinking of. They mention noise gates, putting cloth over the mic, and putting it off to the side/ at an angle of your mouth in there, and many other websites.

I'm not sure precisely what mic or programs you're using but here is more things to try an improve the quality of audio -- of course, besides the obvious of a different mic. I'm sure something can be done without doing that just yet. I'd say move into a silent room with a cloth over it, and speak really loudly yet breathe softer if at all possible.

Of course I'm no expert, so hopefully any of this is at all useful.

EDIT: jesus fuck, grammer, sleepless moron I am.

Also: @z3bra, are these appearing in your git? Or can I stream without getting on IRC? I really wouldn't have much to contribute.
Wow, I didn't know noise reduction was great in audacity.
You could try that.
Thanks for doing this z3bra! I noticed in the quiz the problem was 53 & 47 yet the solution shown was 53 & 43. Even speaking through it, "32 + 8 + 2 + 1."

Just a detail, looking forward to the rest of it.