Week in the TTY (June 2018) - Community & Forums Related Discussions

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Hello fellow nixers,
As with the past year, let's repeat the week in the tty experiment.

As described in the past thread the goal of this week is to not open any graphical environment at all, to work only from the TTY.

The challenge will start on the last week of June (25), so get ready.

Bump this thread with things you learn during that week, or your willingness to participate this year.
I'm going to try it this year. I wanted to do it last year already, but I had finals at that time, so I couldn't.
Is framebuffer allowed?
(03-06-2018, 09:12 AM)asyncial Wrote: Is framebuffer allowed?
I've left the rules flexible on purpose, be free to interpret it as you'd like.

You're free to do anything as long as you stay in the TTY, be it framebuffer or other ingeniosities you can come up with.
Long time nixers
I'm going to attempt the week again this year, although this time I'll do it in work. I can do most of my work in the TTY, will still need a browser for MS Teams and some other work apps. I can use my Windows laptop for that though... unless that's counted as cheating?

I could do with a shot of rum right now.
(05-06-2018, 06:01 AM)pyratebeard Wrote: I can use my Windows laptop for that though... unless that's counted as cheating?

Interpret it as you'd like, I'll personally only be doing the TTY week at home.
I don't have a job and don't do that much on my laptop.

Sometimes I'll not even run `startx' simply because I don't need XMonad running to do anything. Had run two mosh sessions to different homeservers under tmux just yesterday to copy some files and mess with partitions, as well as manage said copied files on the other server, bulkrenaming them through ranger.

Last year the hinge on this laptop broke and I sent it in for repairs. Whipped out a 13yo laptop my mom used in Mexico and installed Arch Linux 32 on it. The thing isn't capable enough to run Firefox or Chromium, and mpv was only able to play 144p 3gp videos at an acceptable speed, so I spent the week and a half on a tty running weechat, mps-yt, ncmpcpp, and lynx under tmux. It worked just fine, and while browsing was a hassle, I didn't need to do much of that.

One thing it can't do is CJK symbols, which is a shame.

As I already do things on terminal windows no matter what, the only thing I learned from that is that it is a real pain to use tmux for copy/pasting.
Actually seems plausible for me to attempt it this year. Barely leave my tex document and python/matplotlib anyway at the moment.
My concession will be zathura for pdfs, unless anybody knows of a tty alternative...
(14-06-2018, 09:16 AM)fraun Wrote: My concession will be zathura for pdfs, unless anybody knows of a tty alternative...

A quick query turned up pdftotext(1): https://github.com/jalan/pdftotext
(14-06-2018, 11:10 AM)spoonm Wrote:
(14-06-2018, 09:16 AM)fraun Wrote: My concession will be zathura for pdfs, unless anybody knows of a tty alternative...

A quick query turned up pdftotext(1): https://github.com/jalan/pdftotext

I mean, yeah, I could use that... But it's not really ideal when formatting matters and there are tables, figures and equations. It also doesn't work for whatever formatting method the people that wrote their papers used...

I could try printing papers (to paper) and not compiling my own tex docs until the tty week is over :)
A quick search for ''pdf framebuffer' leads me to fbpdf. Seems not updated since 2016 but perhaps it works, I didn't try.
(14-06-2018, 01:18 PM)fraun Wrote: I could try printing papers (to paper) and not compiling my own tex docs until the tty week is over :)

Please be environmentally conscious. lol

(17-06-2018, 02:34 AM)Dworin Wrote: A quick search for ''pdf framebuffer' leads me to fbpdf. Seems not updated since 2016 but perhaps it works, I didn't try.

Looks promising. It uses mupdf, so theoretically one could just build agains the most recent version of libmupdf. That or try to run mupdf itself over directfb, which iirc has been dead for a long long time.
Here we go, I'm posting this from the TTY.
So this is it, hope everyone that tried it had fun.
I did enjoy it - I think I gained something from not compiling my tex doc for a week, lots of errors now though :) I found ranger to be the star of the show - for viewing graphs made with matplotlib in the term and other stuff.