What are you working on? - Programming On Unix
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(09-10-2015, 05:19 AM)z3bra Wrote: @ashen: Try out wmutils! Help improving it, and make it more reliablewmutils was actually one of the things I was thinking of working on, but I thought I remembered it not working well with i3, and I'm incredibly familiar with i3 at this point. Maybe it'd be good to move my workflow over to it and sxhkd, though, so it's more customizable in the future. |
Working on my wmutils installation,
several projects on Plan 9 (three text filters, one version control system and one file server, yay!) and a termbox/ncurses frontend for the ed editor. This is what I would do if it wasn't for school. |
currently working on a simple liveblogging platform. i'm checking out some backend and fullstack frameworks, but yet have to find my match
shell script powered irc bot. for the lel
@venam/ashen: Thank you, nice to hear that. :)
... and I really should have a closer look at wmutils, too. That project looks highly interesting. I just didn't get around to trying it (because I'm lazy and my dwm fork works very well for me). |
(09-10-2015, 04:21 PM)xero Wrote: shell script powered irc bot. for the lel https://github.com/onodera-punpun/punyama ;) |
(09-10-2015, 05:18 PM)neeasade Wrote: https://github.com/onodera-punpun/punyama https://github.com/onodera-punpun/punyam...punyama#L1 neeasade pls |
(09-10-2015, 09:27 AM)ashen Wrote:(09-10-2015, 05:19 AM)z3bra Wrote: @ashen: Try out wmutils! Help improving it, and make it more reliablewmutils was actually one of the things I was thinking of working on, but I thought I remembered it not working well with i3, and I'm incredibly familiar with i3 at this point. Maybe it'd be good to move my workflow over to it and sxhkd, though, so it's more customizable in the future. As a person who was in this situation, just do it! When you leave you'll realise how limiting i3 is. |
speaking of wmutils, I started refactoring the code to extract all the functions into a single file that could be used as a stabdalone "window manipulation library". It seems to work great, but I need people to try it before merging it into master, and finally export it under its owm repo. You can check the branch here:
https://github.com/wmutils/core/tree/wmlib |
As somebody who has not contributed to wmutils (yet), I am of course not in the position of criticizing you, but I think the idea of »we have only got shell scripts« was a better approach. But anyway, nice that you are working on something wmutils related! |
A friend at work bought LED panels. Actually, he bought six 32x32 RGB-LED panels. He also built a very nice wooden frame.
We stripped down st to the bare minimum and heavily modified it: st no longer creates an X11 window but a PNG file. Each pixel in that PNG file represents one character of the original terminal. st then pushes this file to a custom web application (fancy schmancy django + redis + magic) which, in turn, pushes the PNG to a Raspberry Pi. The LED panels are attached to that Pi. Finally, a modified version of hzeller's rpi-rgb-led-matrix can read the PNG from the webapp and display it on the LED panels. tl;dr: Run arbitrary terminal applications (on your computer) in a customized st and have them displayed on 64x96 LEDs (which are connected to a Pi). Looks like this:
As you can guess, the whole thing is intended to be used with tools like termtrack or asciiworld or whatever. It's of limited use when running Vim. |
(18-11-2015, 03:31 PM)vain Wrote: Looks like this:Impressive how just by turning text into dots->leds you make ascii-art applications look totally different. Great project. |
This is really impresse and fun!
Did you document your work somewhere? |
It's not yet public, unfortunately. I'd love to see that project end up as free software. :)
I'm working on a horror/psychological thriller video game :)
Github: https://github.com/darthlukan
CRUX Ports: http://ports.brianctomlinson.com GPG: 3694569D "We're all human, act accordingly." -- Me |
@darthlukan :o that looks good
I should do some more serious programming as well. At the moment I am just refactoring some smaller older projects of mine. |
wmutils scripts :P
workin' on a liveblogging webapp, you can create feeds that run for a specified amount of time and then post in those feeds. like for those tech events they're always doing the liveblogs for or something.
additionally you could say i'm working on improving diversity in the node.js community with a few peeps from the npm team & ibm |
I now started a termbox frontend for ed.
It is still very early, but I can see the light in the distance. |
Any link to share?
(29-11-2015, 10:00 AM)ninjacharlie Wrote:(28-11-2015, 11:29 AM)darthlukan Wrote: I'm working on a horror/psychological thriller video game :) Sorry for the severely delayed reply: That's Leadwerks Game Engine
Github: https://github.com/darthlukan
CRUX Ports: http://ports.brianctomlinson.com GPG: 3694569D "We're all human, act accordingly." -- Me |
(16-12-2015, 10:35 AM)darthlukan Wrote: Sorry for the severely delayed reply: That's Leadwerks Game EngineAhhhh interesting. I was actually trying to find an (actively developed) 3D game engines that use Lua recently. Good luck with your development :) |
Program to unify downloads from tumblr, pixiv, and Deviantart galleries.
Working on a multi IRC Bot deployment tool. Each bot is spawned from one process
which keeps track of which bots are up by their ThreadId. It's mostly useless but can be used to log multiple channels and servers at the same time. The bots can also have indevidual configurations which allow them to act as dictionaries, game bots, markov chains, ect... So... there is no real use for this... it's just a toy... with many smaller toys attached to it... I did have to learn how Threads, STM, Network, RWST, ect.. work so it's good for learning. EDIT: Since I'm working with IRC bots I might just build an IRC client... |
Working on a lisp interpreter because I think CLISPs verbosity is crap. Chicken-scheme is better, but also isn't as terse as I'd like (think C stdlib). Working on the bytecode VM from which I'll bootstrap the rest of the language.
(29-01-2016, 11:56 PM)ninjacharlie Wrote: Working on a lisp interpreter because I think CLISPs verbosity is crap. Chicken-scheme is better, but also isn't as terse as I'd like (think C stdlib). Working on the bytecode VM from which I'll bootstrap the rest of the language. Is this not the sort of thing you could patch into an existing one? Even if you never merge or even release your version, making an entirely new interpreter seems like overkill. |
First of all: there are some nice small or minimal lisp interpreters out there. I can for example think of femtolisp (https://github.com/JeffBezanson/femtolisp) or tinyscheme (https://github.com/armornick/TinyScheme). So I don't think there is more need of minimal lisp interpreters. Still looks like something fun to do. Just wanted to tell you. I have released the 0.1 version of fred (www.github.com/scharlatan/fred). It is still a bit buggy sometimes, but mostly works. Maybe you want to try it. |