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Long time nixers
I'm about to start on a project making my own set of post-install scripts for the Debian net install. Basically, you set up the Debian Net install without any DE installed, and you run my setup script, and wham! you have pre-cooked rice, along with a /usr/bin full of useful programs. Aiming for a complete install size of less than a gig, and for the script to be interoperable between PPC, ARM, and x86 (because I use all three arches occasionally)

I'm mainly doing this to save time next time I install debian on something. If other people like it and want to use it, so be it. I just hope /r/unixporn doesn't end up chock-full of screenshots from people who installed debian, ran my script, added a tacky conky, and said "Look at my rice"
Learning C and server stuff.
Long time nixers
(08-02-2016, 01:56 PM)schisma Wrote: twitter clone (ha) https://github.com/stellate/stellate

I love the tagline "Making microblogging great again"... Drawing inspiration from current events, huh?
(09-02-2016, 12:36 AM)dbcooper Wrote:
(08-02-2016, 01:56 PM)schisma Wrote: twitter clone (ha) https://github.com/stellate/stellate

I love the tagline "Making microblogging great again"... Drawing inspiration from current events, huh?
you've gotta go with the times you know
Over the weekend, i build myself a small raspberry pi cluster (4 nodes) to get some more practice in programming distributed systems and administer servers.
Working on an implementation for ANNs, SVMs, HMMs, ect... in Haskell to learn how they work.
Once that's done I'll look into optimization and splitting the work load over multiple machnes,
then I'll see what I can do with them (object tracking maybe?).

EDIT: Tangent brought me over to implementing a physics library and rendering engine... will implement SVMs when finished with it.
(31-01-2016, 07:53 PM)dbcooper Wrote: I'm about to start on a project making my own set of post-install scripts for the Debian net install. Basically, you set up the Debian Net install without any DE installed, and you run my setup script, and wham! you have pre-cooked rice, along with a /usr/bin full of useful programs. Aiming for a complete install size of less than a gig, and for the script to be interoperable between PPC, ARM, and x86 (because I use all three arches occasionally)

I'm mainly doing this to save time next time I install debian on something. If other people like it and want to use it, so be it. I just hope /r/unixporn doesn't end up chock-full of screenshots from people who installed debian, ran my script, added a tacky conky, and said "Look at my rice"
I did this for a few different distributions and FreeBSD for myself. It takes all my configuration files from my github, installed the programs I use, and all the scripts I use that either I wrote or I found from somewhere else and copies all the music I currently am listening to from my server, as well as the documents and whatever else I needed when I wrote the script from an external HDD.
Long time nixers
Just finished a little project that has been floating around in my head for some time,
a small program that runs different input fields through different filters.

Here's a link: https://github.com/scharlatan/treat

It's already usable, although maybe a bit rough around the edges.

Warning: the README is shameless self-promotion (except the tl;dr part at the beginning).

fork of dcat's pg with boobah. i want a simpler pager than less and i want to get better at c.

currently usable but lacking features.
Long time nixers
@arcetera: Oh, that's a nice pager.
Do you plan implementing searching (that's the 3% of features I use with less).
yes, we do plan on search, it's in the TODO
Long time nixers
(26-04-2016, 02:31 PM)arcetera Wrote: yes, we do plan on search, it's in the TODO


Been meaning to start posting on here for awhile, but at least I finally have some content to show. Born out of frustration from setting up and maintaining a filtering dnsmasq server, then eventually a pi-hole install, I created grimd to more easily filter ad and malware servers on my networks.
Grey Hair Nixers
I've been working on an ed25519 based signature management tool. The first implementation wasn't well designed (see git://z3bra.org/sigchk), so I'm rewriting it from scratch, to give it the ability to sign/check streams as well.
As a feature, I'll make signatures base64 encoded too (this will also help me for further development). I'm currently rolling my own base64 encoding/decoding functions as I couldn't find a library that's simple enough for my need. Base64 is simple enough to avoid adding a non-standard dependency.
The rewrite is currently pretty short: http://git.z3bra.org/sick/file/README.html
Got two major projects going on right now:

* a minimal irc client written in chicken-scheme: https://github.com/charles-l/i
* a simple vim-like text editor: https://github.com/charles-l/pep
Grey Hair Nixers
@ninjacharly, took a quick look at your pep.c, the macro LINE_MAX is defined in limits.h, that could help
(07-05-2016, 11:32 AM)z3bra Wrote: @ninjacharly, took a quick look at your pep.c, the macro LINE_MAX is defined in limits.h, that could help

Cool! Didn't realize that macro existed. Thanks for the tip :D
Long time nixers
I saw sick (I think on iotek.org).

Looked pretty neat, I guess the advantage over gpg is a clean codebase, isn't it?
Grey Hair Nixers
The advantage is that it removes the encryption part from the codebasd, which is rather complex. It is inspired by signify(1) from the openbsd codebase.
Just wrote this python script to fetch .torrents files from a magnet link using magnet-to-torrent.com https://github.com/AlbertoCG/Magnet2Torrent

It's messy tho and full of deps, just wanted to make it work. Already know how to get rid of some of them but haven't written it.
argonaut · musician · developer · writer · https://www.betoissues.com
Grey Hair Nixers
A script that gives bspwm 2 borders(wmutils) and works with mutilple active nodes.

Long time nixers
(09-05-2016, 08:58 AM)neeasade Wrote: A script that gives bspwm 2 borders(wmutils) and works with mutilple active nodes.


curl -s https://github.com/neeasade/dotfiles/blob/195c5d7a7a5882e7744252fe541ecfe8efa155a1/wm/.wm/scripts/2bspwm#L19 | grep -q 'eval' && printf 'axis of eval\n'
Trying to make my lemonbar notifications (many thanks z3bra) stack, or at the very least to kill the first one if another is called. When in doubt: Google - at least I have some delicious recipes to make later. Can anyone offer up some advice on this?
Long time nixers
Today I finished OEmbed support for my static blog generator (ref.). That makes the feature list quite impressive yet:
  • Very fast processing speed (the blog is written in pure C++17, no Boost dependencies)
  • Markdown support
  • HTML template support
  • (Sort of) Unicode support
  • Unlimited tags & categories per article
  • Category/tag archives
  • Automatic processing of OEmbeddable media inside a post or page

(Almost) The last things before I release the website and the source code for "version 1" (with version 2 - RSS feeds et al. - already being planned) are pagination and monthly archives. Also, I need to create an icon for it. And I am horrible with graphics. Stay tuned.

edit: Irrelevant screenshot (with the working title edited out): http://i.imgur.com/p7Cs4c3.png

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
(16-05-2016, 06:51 PM)jkl Wrote: Today I finished OEmbed support for my static blog generator (ref.). That makes the feature list quite impressive yet.
I see the list but which one of those is yours?
Is it the only one in c++ in that list: http://leohtml.sourceforge.net/ ?
Long time nixers
As stated in the last paragraph, mine is not online yet. I'll announce the availability soon... ;)

The existing ones are crap. :D

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Long time nixers
As promised: http://blogcpp.org

I'm a developer, not a designer. Other than that, enjoy. The TODO list is amazingly long yet.

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen
Well done jkl!
[some more chars:P]
Long time nixers
Thank you!

<mort> choosing a terrible license just to be spiteful towards others is possibly the most tux0r thing I've ever seen