What would you do if all your *nix systems - Psychology, Philosophy, and Licenses

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Long time nixers
Well, atm I have no access to my baby(laptop with OpenBSD that I use for EVERYTHING, I have other pc's that run Linux but I don't like or use them since they are for my women...lol). I am wondering what you would do if you lost everything you had for your needs *nix wise.
Long time nixers
I'd just not bother, I haven't got money to replace it if you mean the hardware blew up or something. I'd just have a fag and swear for a few minutes then leave.
Long time nixers
You mean like the first 30 years of my life?
I guess there's always pizza & beer, & bikini clad beach babes doing a group strip-tease around the bonfire!
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Long time nixers
@Robby, yes as if every computer you had blew up.
But yeah, just wanted opinions. I have a life lol, but *nix is a good chunk of it.

(12-10-2012, 02:54 PM)NeoTerra Wrote: If I had no money to spend to fix it, then cars. Cars are like computers, just a little more complex but also more rewarding.

How would you have no money for computers but money to fix cars? I know there is plenty to fix on a car without spending cash, but most of it requires some sort of money. Or extra parts.
Long time nixers
I agree... Automobiles are quite a bit more expensive to own & operate than PC's.
For the price of a new set of tires you can get a pretty nice computer.
Imagine how much more expensive fuel will be judging by the recent increases in price.

You could even disconnect from the power grid, and generate your own electricity via photovoltaic, hydroelectric, wind, or giant hamster wheels powered by livestock, which can be another food source.

But if the oil stops flowing, or the price becomes astronomical, your cars aren't going anywhere but downhill, unless you use livestock - a la horse & buggy.

That aside, I'm sure that if such a scenario took place, we'd be too busy trying to survive to worry about the loss of our electronic cyber world.
[Image: i2Z7l4R9D9Stp.jpg]
Hmmm... Maybe I should add a few netbooks to the doomsday cache? Hehe!
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Long time nixers
hahah, so true. But yeah, if you lost all your PC equipment. What would you do(adding that you have no money to replace them)?
Grey Hair Nixers
I would play guitar and drink all the time.
Long time nixers
(13-10-2012, 07:12 AM)Beastie Wrote: I would play guitar and smoke weed all the time.

Pretty much this. Then I would install Debian Rolling or Gentoo and cry over all of my lost everything. I am speaking from experience because I lost all of my files on multiple HDDs and an SSD just over 2 weeks ago.
Long time nixers
same as beastie... except the guitar
Long time nixers
(13-10-2012, 11:41 AM)gurhush Wrote:
(13-10-2012, 07:12 AM)Beastie Wrote: I would play guitar and smoke weed all the time.

Pretty much this. Then I would install Debian Rolling or Gentoo and cry over all of my lost everything. I am speaking from experience because I lost all of my files on multiple HDDs and an SSD just over 2 weeks ago.

Like I said, you lose EVERYTHING. Not your information, your hardware.
But yeah, all ive been doing is drinking lol. Can't play guitar though :/
Long time nixers
Quote:Beastie Wrote: I would play guitar and smoke weed all the time.

Lol... That's what I do when I'm not online. Well, that and drink, but weed grows on trees and is fairly easy to grow - it's a weed after all - while booze takes more ingredients and expertise to produce not to mention equipment costs etc.
You can even get a license to grow/use/possess cannabis in nearly a dozen US states, including my home state.

[Image: iz0agYNOtp190.jpeg]
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Long time nixers
(13-10-2012, 10:06 PM)shix Wrote: Read books and drink coffee.

Honestly, that sounds damn boring.
Reading books is nice, but doing nothing but reading and drinking coffee?
Long time nixers
I honestly have never drank a cup of coffee in all of my 48 years.
I tried it, but didn't like it.
Same with tobacco.
Not my thing.
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Long time nixers
(14-10-2012, 01:18 PM)NeoTerra Wrote:
(12-10-2012, 04:50 PM)Mafia Wrote: How would you have no money for computers but money to fix cars? I know there is plenty to fix on a car without spending cash, but most of it requires some sort of money. Or extra parts.

You could get parts from scrapyards, friends, etc. Although I agree, soon it would become expensive. I'd probably end up spending lots of time with my girlfriend and reading.

Hehe, I remember the days when we use to rob the scrapyards...good times.
Paint? I used to paint quite a bit before college.
Long time nixers
I would do one thing that neither of us have done.
Go outside...
"TheHotBot" Aka NeverW8!

I can be seen on the IRC from time to time :)
Without computer I would spend my life on/in the Beach/Sea.
My father has a boat (he's retired now. He was an aerospace engineer working all around the world) so I'll spend all my time fishing and swimming.
Also I would play guitar on the beach and get my hair long (again, I cut them 3 months ago).
This would be as good as my computer I think.
Long time nixers
Lol, what's with people and not thinking our group of people don't go outside. I am outside almost more then I am inside, on personal reasons and work reasons xD
Long time nixers
(16-10-2012, 06:13 PM)NeoTerra Wrote:
(16-10-2012, 05:44 PM)Mafia Wrote: Lol, what's with people and not thinking our group of people don't go outside. I am outside almost more then I am inside, on personal reasons and work reasons xD

Same, I usually only stay inside in the winter (Canadian winters...) or if it's really shitty out. Otherwise I'm usually out with friends or in the backyard.

Yeah, I heard they where pretty harsh(winters).
I would probably play a lot more of LARP and P&P.

If I didn't do something that could take my focus away from the computers though then I would probably end up a criminal hence I'm way to short tempered and I would need to shut myself in to not hurt anyone who are just minor annoyances.
(20-10-2012, 11:53 PM)NeoTerra Wrote:
(20-10-2012, 08:33 PM)Reindeer11 Wrote: I would probably play a lot more of LARP and P&P.

If I didn't do something that could take my focus away from the computers though then I would probably end up a criminal hence I'm way to short tempered and I would need to shut myself in to not hurt anyone who are just minor annoyances.

Should get that temper looked at...

I have but there is really nothing to do about it because I have ADHD and I don't get medication. If I wouldn't be able to relax myself with anything that would happen is what I meant.