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(20-02-2017, 11:00 AM)neeasade Wrote:(18-02-2017, 08:37 AM)z3bra Wrote: I like the idea you monitor the system you currently run, in case it changes without you knowing. I was mocking the top-left square with "Arch" in it. I assume you're monitoring your currently installed distro because that changes a lot, or because you tend to forget it too often ;) (20-02-2017, 11:00 AM)neeasade Wrote: network name You certainly mean SSID you're connected too when you're using the wifi. If so, I must say I don't use wifi enough to need this info. I only connect to networks in my wpa_supplicant.conf, which is fairly short anyway. I do understand the need for it though. (20-02-2017, 11:00 AM)neeasade Wrote: network up/down speed Check out sbm. It does that perfectly well, and per interface. The bad thing is that as speed is expressed in bytes per second, you need to compare the byte flow at 1 second interval (at least) to get a relevant info, meaning your bar won't refresh more often than once per second. (20-02-2017, 11:00 AM)neeasade Wrote: memory usage I personally find these information to be a waste. Why would I care that my memory is at 24%, or temperature at 70°C (is that high? low? normal? I don't know, and don't care). If my legs start getting hot when they touch my computer case, then I know I have a temperature problem. And in this case, the only solution is a reboot anyway, which the computer will do by itself to protect the components. If I am using 100% memory, then the computer will start swapping, which is perfectly fine. If it does for too long, I'll notice because things will get terribly slow. In this case knowing that memory is at 100% will only comfort me that my computer is slow. Same goes for HDD usage. I don't have an SSD, so when I have a big usage, I'll hear it. That's how computers works anyway, I don't need to be aware of everything that's going under the cover at any moment. All I need is a working computer, so I can focus on doing important things, like replying on this forum or insulting noobs on #ubuntu or whatever. (20-02-2017, 11:00 AM)neeasade Wrote: any suggestions/things that might be missing?What about actual informations? Like how much tasks you have in your TODO, the next event in your calendar? How many unread emails you have, or if your s3cr3t VPN is still UP? I think a good rule-of-thumb for statusbar is "informations about things you are in charge of". Computers are wonders of technology that can run themselves, so they can be your tools. Let them do their job so you can do yours! (All rules have exceptions, so I guess this one as well: VOLUME is important! I got scared way too much time by my music player) EDIT: Screenshot, because it's been a while! |