Nixers Podcast ideas and talks - Community & Forums Related Discussions

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Long time nixers
(16-11-2014, 10:56 AM)venam Wrote: Here's the list of ideas until now:
  • Nixers internal news and events
  • Interesting *nix related news
  • Explain your setup
  • Weird *nix programs you've discovered
  • Ricing segment (tips of the day)
  • Philosophy - views of the world and changes
  • Q/A session - interview with some members
  • *nix jokes
  • WM reviews
  • Unix diary
  • Distro reviews

We're gonna set for mumble on a private server for the moment.
Then we'll check what we could do to make it better.

Sounds like This Week In Linux! Will defiantly lend an ear.

What would also be cool, would be system tuning. We each go about it differently, and every second saved goes a long way.

(17-11-2014, 10:44 PM)LibertarianBroci Wrote: Instead of doing all of this at one specific moment in time, we should divide the podcast into the individual segments with people of a similar schedule or time zone. Then we will not have to worry about microscheduling everything and can easily just splice everything together later on. The individual segments could have a common topic like.... "Optimization of Keybindings", "Secrets of Vim", "BSD Secrets", etc.


Doing it this way will also make it sound more pro. because there will be time to edit the audio to make it sound better and it will give the speakers time to say what they want to say in a way that people would be able to understand. I don't know about others but when I feel rushed I leave a lot out, and people leave feeling confused.
The world is quaking from our Linux Thoughts!
Long time nixers
So what is being waited on to make this happen? I'd love to listen to this. :D
Eduan / greduan
Long time nixers
(15-02-2015, 11:01 PM)greduan Wrote: So what is being waited on to make this happen? I'd love to listen to this. :D

We could never line up our schedules :/
Grey Hair Nixers
I think we should first hangout somewhere, and just start discussions.
Then when we manage to meet frequently, we could start scheduling a podcast.
an irc channel, z3bra?
Grey Hair Nixers
No, something we could actually speak in. Like my mumble server, or maybe a tox group.
(17-02-2015, 04:42 AM)z3bra Wrote: No, something we could actually speak in. Like my mumble server, or maybe a tox group.
Right, I also agree. We should start speaking together regularly before starting any podcast.
Mumble sounds like a great idea, I would be happy to join in!
Long time nixers
I am fine with mumble but I am quite interested in using tox.
I'm gonna wait every Sunday on z3bra's mumble server ( from 7pm until 8pm GMT+3 (UTC+3) if anyone cares to join.
It's an initiative so that we can *really* start organizing something.
Slowly but surely we'll make this work.
Grey Hair Nixers
Good move! I'll be there
Long time nixers
I will also join in, although my mic situation has gotten worse.
(17-04-2015, 12:41 PM)RoastPotatoes Wrote: I will also join in, although my mic situation has gotten worse.
You can use mumble for mobile, the microphone of mobile devices is quite good compared to the cheap built-in microphone incorporated in laptops.
Long time nixers
(18-04-2015, 04:36 AM)venam Wrote:
(17-04-2015, 12:41 PM)RoastPotatoes Wrote: I will also join in, although my mic situation has gotten worse.
You can use mumble for mobile, the microphone of mobile devices is quite good compared to the cheap built-in microphone incorporated in laptops.
This is what I was planning on using originally. However I have since bricked my phone. But I have been thinking about picking one up on amazon prime, so it would come in time.
Long time nixers
I managed to screw up time zones. I was going to join in about two hours from now. Did anything come of this?
(19-04-2015, 04:01 PM)RoastPotatoes Wrote: I managed to screw up time zones. I was going to join in about two hours from now. Did anything come of this?
Z3bra and I chatted a bit, that's all.
I'll be there waiting every week from now on.
(20-04-2015, 01:02 AM)venam Wrote:
(19-04-2015, 04:01 PM)RoastPotatoes Wrote: I managed to screw up time zones. I was going to join in about two hours from now. Did anything come of this?
Z3bra and I chatted a bit, that's all.
I'll be there waiting every week from now on.
Wait!? Does this mean that the podcast has started? Or is it more like a test run?
Grey Hair Nixers
We're just setting this up to get people to start chatting together. Once we'll be a fair amount of nixers to join on a regular basis, we'll discuss the podcast topic again.

For now, the mumble is open at all time, so if you want to hang out with your fellow nixers, you don't have to wait on sundays!
(22-04-2015, 05:18 AM)z3bra Wrote: We're just setting this up to get people to start chatting together. Once we'll be a fair amount of nixers to join on a regular basis, we'll discuss the podcast topic again.

For now, the mumble is open at all time, so if you want to hang out with your fellow nixers, you don't have to wait on sundays!
As z3bra mentioned, at the moment we are just getting used to hang out together on the channel.
Later on we'll prepare presentations, maybe with slides so we can do webcasts too. We might involve the irc too for Q/A sessions.
Might join some other day, right now I am really busy with school and work.
Long time nixers
Had I know it was for the idea of the podcast I'd have been more inspired to join. I'll do my best to be there next time. :)
Eduan / greduan
Last time we were able to make around 6-7 persons online from multiple places in the world.
It wasn't organized and the microphones were messed up but it's a good start.

So this Sunday at 7pm till 8pm UTC+3 we'll discuss the following topics (your choices):
  • Your key to the best workflow in 2 sentences
  • Describe your most horrible moment on a Unix system

EDIT: Narrowed it down to only 2 subjects.
Question. Can I join. I don't know if I can contribute to the discussion, but I would like to listen to it?
Grey Hair Nixers
My preferred topics are :
  • Your key to the best workflow in 2 sentences
  • Describe your most horrible moment on a Unix system

I'm affraid a discussion about systemd won't be of any interrest here. It will surely go like: "something something BLOOOAAAAAT NON UNIX shit shit shit"
(28-04-2015, 06:18 AM)eye Wrote: Question. Can I join. I don't know if I can contribute to the discussion, but I would like to listen to it?
Certainly, anyone can join.
This week nothing will be recorded, we're just slowly organizing it the correct way.
If it goes well the week after we'll impose the talkers/listeners rule and start recording.
Purrfect (Sorry I'm a cat owner). I'm not sure yet because of work, but I'll be happy to join the conversation. :-)

Oh. I've got a charity run this Sunday. I don't know when exactly I'll be back home. So no promises...
Long time nixers
I'll probably be able to attend every week. It's early in the day for me. If I can't attend I'll try to let everyone know in the IRC.

Last time I was told my mic was fine, Charlie also had a nice mic. z3bra's was just a bit low for me, had a hard time hearing him.

Next one is tomorrow right? Sunday May 3rd?
Eduan / greduan
(02-05-2015, 10:04 AM)greduan Wrote: Next one is tomorrow right? Sunday May 3rd?
Indeed, everyone is welcomed to join.
Long time nixers
Went well. Most everybody had a good to decent mic. Venam's network was wonky so the transmission seemed to be bad for him.

ymbx's mic was also pretty good though it's his laptops mic so every time he spoke a weird noise was heard. Probably interference from his laptop.
Eduan / greduan
Long time nixers
Is there a place we will be hosting the episodes?
My ambition in life is to be a graybeard by the time I am 65.