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Long time nixers
The Raspberry Pi is really a beautiful thing. Here is a little poem I found.

Quote:The day my R-Pi arrived…

It was in a little box, all wrapped up nice and warm.

It lay there, silent, quiet and cold, only a few days from being born.

It didn"t light up, it didn"t make a sound.

It said nothing, it didn"t move.

Just wires and circuits and plugs and sockets all around.

I carefully picked it up and fed it a wire,

Then another and another, until it was a spider,

Finger poised on the switch, to turn on this little mite,

I cackled a laugh as I gave a shout…"it"s alive I tell you",

And on came a light!

A flash of brilliance and my screen was a blur,

Thousands of numbers and letters, of what I'm not sure,

They spin past too fast to see,

But soon it settles on a little command line,

Blinking at me, it's heart beating with mine.

The wonders this little creature holds within,

I know not where to start or where to begin,

The possibilities are endless, it's potential unbound,

What tasks to apply to this $25 treasure,

Time will tell, with some programming pleasure.

I haven't done much with the Raspberry Pi yet, I just slapped some Debian Wheezy image on it and have been doing some simple tests. I have been watching full 1080p movies on it with the included omxplayer on the Wheezy image I mentioned above. It easily handles the movies, and plays them like nothing. For $35, I wouldn't expect that.

I have also been trying out glsl shaders on the system, and that is quite interesting. But here are some pictured that I have taken of both the Raspberry and the screen itself.

Running Weechat!
[Image: drhQ0.png]

Proof of the Pi
[Image: fJ5mq.png]
Sorry for bad quality :P
bwahaha Dr_Wank.

Good times.
Long time nixers
Nice! I plan on picking up a Rasberry Pi and using it as a rogue machine. My plan is to have it run some recon on a network it's plugged into and give me a backdoor. I hope to be able to drop it on any network and then have remote access to that network. There is a word for these, I just don't remember it.
Long time nixers
Long time nixers
My PI needs its firmware updated before I can get the HDMI to work out of the box.
Long time nixers
YEAH! guys even i am waiting for my one own R-pi.
What is its purpose and/or useful for? Or is it all just about the hack value?

EDIT: Did some research, I think I gonna order one.
:-( They don't ship them in my contry... I am dreaming of having one!
Btw, I like what the guy from does with those little RP, he does dropbox and other cool stuffs.
I think there are some pictured that I have taken of both the Raspberry and the screen itself.
Grey Hair Nixers
yes. A very inexpensive and small computer. Could be improved a lot tho
Long time nixers
I will probably be buying one, if not two this week. I just gatta try it, its way to tempting.
Long time nixers
I'm going to buy like a dozen and make a super computer! Haha ;)
I do Byte
Grey Hair Nixers
I just got mine and it's sexy.

[Image: weS]
Long time nixers
You know i said it was a firmware issue with the PI i had? Yeah turned out I was just scammed for 60 GBP for it on ebay because I didn't know that they were sold via PayPal on the manufacturer site. Well I had that coming but I sold my HF account today and after a sale i'm making I should have enough to buy a new one from the site.
Long time nixers
Here's something about learning to develop your own OS for the Raspberry Pi.

And then there's the "Cubieboard."
[Image: 20121023040900-cubieboard.jpg]
1Ghz, 1GB RAM, But they lost me on the whole "bidding" thing.
Someone doesn't appreciate my php generated image!
Why do people screenshot with an external camera?
Is there no WM or DM?

I would buy one but I don't feel quite ready for inputting commands into a tty with no knowledge of what I'm doing.

Also, does it support HDMI?
Long time nixers
(19-01-2013, 08:26 PM)Conch Wrote: Why do people screenshot with an external camera?
Is there no WM or DM?

I would buy one but I don't feel quite ready for inputting commands into a tty with no knowledge of what I'm doing.

Also, does it support HDMI?

Yes, it plays full 1080p video at 30fps, and the only video output is HDMI.
Long time nixers
I'm thinking of getting pi. What are they like? My tutor brought on into college and it seemed okay although i didn't have a good go :).
Long time nixers
(28-01-2013, 06:33 AM)josh Wrote: I'm thinking of getting pi. What are they like? My tutor brought on into college and it seemed okay although i didn't have a good go :).

They're fun, but I guess it depends what you want to do. For a nice little project, interfacing with the GPIO, putting it in a corner somewhere and running it headless or a media server, it's pretty good (mine's an OpenTTD server that has a little LCD screen attached). For general use though, it's too slow.
could it run a file hosting site and a small minecraft server at the same time?
Long time nixers
(19-06-2013, 02:15 AM)benwaffle Wrote: could it run a file hosting site and a small minecraft server at the same time?

Doubt it, I'm not sure how successful Minecraft servers have been on their own, let alone with a file hosting site as well. I guess it'd depend on your definition of 'small'.
Minecraft servers struggle on their own like kirby said. I've found it's a lot easier and cost efficient to rent them and leave all the dirty work to the hosting company.
Long time nixers
Thought I'd bump this thread!

I've recently got on the Raspberry Pi bandwagon, I'm thinking of making it into a type of IDS with Snorby. I was trying last week and it seems it isn't exactly friendly with ARM operating systems so still messing around with it.

Anyone had any cool projects since almost a year ago when this thread was last going?
Grey Hair Nixers
I put raspbmc on it and gave it to my neighbour who bought a NAS for his torrented movies.
Long time nixers
That's awesome. Pis make great media centers.
Long time nixers
I had no idea that was even a thing. I know what I'm doing this weekend.
Grey Hair Nixers
(17-05-2014, 12:54 AM)dbcooper Wrote: That's awesome. Pis make great media centers.

Yeah it's crazy but it runs 1080p movies just fine!
Long time nixers
You can get an app to control it all from an Android tablet too can't you?
Grey Hair Nixers
Yes! And weirdly enough, the TV remote (sony bravia) works with the raspi and it makes it awesome to use.
Long time nixers
Yeah, make sure you get a CEC compatible cable and TV and you're all set for just turning on it on and flicking something on.