Why Use Linux? - GNU/Linux

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Hey guys,

I've got a question. I use Mac OSX as my daily operating system, but I'm looking to try something new - especially Linux. Though, I'm finding a hard reason to actually make the jump to Linux OS. What are your reasons to use Linux?

I'm going to be coding a LOT during the next year so I'm thinking Linux would be a good option. Am I just stupid or do I have a reason to use Linux?

Try it out and see. That's the only way you'd know if you like it or not. If you don't like it just install OS X again.
Anyhow, i use it because i like it better than Windows and OS X. It's also fun to play around and modify different WM's and such.
The best way to try Linux out is booting a LiveCD with some desired Linux distro. That way you can try it out without installing anything to your hard drive and you don't need to re-install OS X if you change your mind.

Why Linux? Freedom.

In your case, if you want to learn more about computers and programming you may experience propriertary systems such as OS X being a kludgy enviroment for that purpose. From my experience, one month using Arch Linux taught me much more than half a year using OS X,
Grey Hair Nixers
Mac OS X is perfectly fine to code and you have access to all the bsd and gnu software and compilers, so install linux if you want but it will take a long time before you're happy. but when you will be you will find it awesome. Come at irc and we can talk about it.
@Beastie Why will it take a long time to become 'happy' with Linux?
I think a good reason to switch to GNU/Linux is since it respect the users freedom, at least if you choose one of the truly free distros(like Trisquel etc.). That's mostly why it was made(at least the GNU part ;) ). It also happens to be faster, more reliable and more secure than for example, Windows. There is also the *BSD's, they are even better, but they don't offer as good driver support and such.

Grey Hair Nixers
(12-08-2012, 01:45 PM)htor Wrote: @Beastie Why will it take a long time to become 'happy' with Linux?

Yeah, getting used to it may take some time and can be frustrating at times.
It's the most fun is my opinion :)
Thanks for the answers guys! I'm gonna try to install Linux on my Macbook Pro soon, but I'll stop by IRC in a sec Beastie.
So I'm going to supply a bit of a counterpoint. I've been a GNU/Linux and BSD user for a long time and use some variation natively on every computer that I own EXCEPT for my Macbook Pro. Linux and BSD on laptops has always been a boon to me (though I have had a number of laptops that have worked fairly well with Linux). OS X has the benefit of being a great out of the box Unix system, the only problem I've seen is the lack of customization allowed (though it's not as extreme as I would imagine).
Long time nixers
I use it because it gives me back the power, I control everything. I like that.
Long time nixers
I use Ubuntu x64 on one of my main pc's which has all my movies on and i stream it to the TV beautiful and smooth no crashing at all.

I, did the same thing with windows media centre and the damn thing kept crashing or making that 'dung' error sound ridiculous windows.... i did use redhat 9.0 as a file server at one point, but now use fedora for web files etc with xampp installed

- Main laptop uses windows 7 also got a spare laptop that has SOLARIS 11 which is awesome.

But not needing to worry about rebooting the system or a 'freeze' now n then.... liux/unix amazing OS

But No crashing smooth and light on resources - that's why i use linux. (also tried to get friends n family to use it) - but they think it's totally ALIEN and wrong also had one family member 'have the nerve' to say to me

'Linux copied windows'

I was simply like GTFO NUB lol.
* Linus copied SunOS
Grey Hair Nixers
(20-12-2012, 03:24 PM)venam Wrote: * Linus copied SunOS

What. Do you mean Minix?
Nah! I mean SunOS was the inspiration of Linus.
Long time nixers
Well at least SunOS is still going strong but in the heart of 'Solaris'

(i actually might change my media server over to solaris) in the following weeks.